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A Life in Status- #5 March, 2013


(I promise, it’s all true)

Late last night a load of wash got finished in the washing machine. My preschooler got out of bed, emptied the washing machine, loaded and started the drier (correctly) and then came to tell me about it.
Amazing helper or expert stall tactic? Either way, I’m okay with it.

If you give a six year-old a bowl of popcorn, he will want a superhero action figure to hide in it.

It’s that time of night where an an exhausted mom has a dilemma- too late for a nap, too early to go to bed. Guess I’ll eat something.

Just waked by the bathroom to see my daughter reading her Bible while on the toilet.

Things Granolas think: “Oh! If I buy THAT brand of salsa when I finish it the jar will be perfect for my homemade mayo!” Now if I can just start making my own salsa. . .

Me: Josh, for next week you have to know what the two parts of the Bible are.
Josh: Right. . . the xylophones? That’s not it. . .
Me: It’s testaments. There are two testaments. Do you know what they’re called?
Josh: The Bad Testament and the New Testament?
Me: Close. The Old Testament and the New Testament. The New Testament has all the stuff about Jesus.
Josh: Yes! And the Old Testament has the stuff about Judas. That’s why it’s called The Bad Testament.
Forgive him, my Old Testament professors. He knows not what he says.

Million dollar idea of the day: Vacuum cleaner that filters lego pieces and tiny doll accessories into a separate compartment from the trash.
You’re welcome.

Things Kids in Large Families Know: First kid in and out of the bath gets the warmest water and the driest towel.

The best thing about being mostly blind without your glasses is that it never occurs to you how disgustingly dirty your bathtub is until you’re out of it.

The Easter Bunny arrived (via Fed Ex) this morning. I’m glad my in-laws have figured out that if they want the kids to eat the Easter candy, they need to send a separate stash for Mommy.


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