Welcome to my circus.

Improving our “Diets”


In my typical day I see some pretty disturbing sights.  I watch my kids put things in their mouth that would make the adult world gag.  They are happy to lick rocks, put handfuls of dirt in their mouths, or eat food they found on the ground.  Which makes it all the more frustrating when they turn their noses up at the meal I spent an hour preparing.  I’m convinced that if I could just add some nutritional value to Play-Doh we’d all be happy.  Maybe next time I’ll mix up a batch with some green beans smashed into the dough.

While I’m focusing on creating healthy meals with homemade ingredients, my kids are focused on talking their grandparents into sending them more candy or taking them out for pizza.  They know fast food and candy aren’t necessarily good for them, but it’s a struggle to help them make good choices about what they put in their bodies.  While I’ve learned a little more discipline when it comes to my food choices, I understand the struggle when it comes to what I feed my mind.

Most days I’d rather spend my limited free time watching trashy tv than focusing on prayer.  I’d rather talk to a friend about the latest gossip than use my words to edify and encourage.  It’s easier for me to dwell on my husband’s flaws than to think through how my actions are hurting our marriage.

As I see my kids work on eating those carrots and peas, I want to be working on disciplining my mind to focus on the noble and holy and pure.

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