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Cartoon Recommendations for Moms (from Amanda)


This summer we’re doing cartoon recommendations by moms for moms (or by aunts/dads/nannies. . . just basically a grown-up who knows this is a cartoon that won’t make other grown-ups run screaming from the room).  So far we’ve heard about the wonders of Phineas and Ferb, the educational benefits of Martha Speaks, the sweetness of The Busy World of Richard Scary and the addictive songs of Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood.  If you’d like to contribute your thoughts, I’d love to have them.  Here’s the form to fill out.  I promise it will take ten minutes or less and we’ll all be glad you did it.  On with the recommendations!

Recommendation from: Amanda

The show: Dinosaur Train

Where to find it:  PBS and Netflix

Why kids love it:  Dinosaurs! Trains!

Why moms love it:  Really good science content. Good friendly family relations, they aren’t mean to each other. They appreciate differences.

Moral content:  Love and support your family. Embrace differences. Learning is awesome! One of the kids is essentially adopted.

Any warnings:  Your kids will start using words you have no idea what they are, and teaching you about dinosaurs.

Link: http://pbskids.org/dinosaurtrain/

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