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A Life in Status- September #4, 2013


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If you want to know if I respond sweetly and compassionately when my children come to me with injuries, it might be enlightening to know that The Baby thinks band-aids are called “shoot!”.

It’s an awesome idea to only do laundry one day a week. Except on that one day. When you want to run away from home.

Sometimes I tell Brian I’m so tired of cleaning the same messes every day I’m tempted to burn the house down just to be done with it. He says just don’t say that to your insurance agent. And that maybe I shouldn’t have married an insurance agent.

It’s so sweet when Then Baby comes up behind you and starts brushing your hair. Until you realize he’s using the dog’s brush.

Josh knows he can only watch movies rated “G” especially with his little siblings around.
Josh: Mom! Can I watch this one?
Me: What’s it rated?
Josh: Um. . . PG? So I can watch half of it?
#soclose #optimist

Every night I play a game called “Try to Make Dinner” while Joel plays a game called “Try to Kill Mom” by spreading all the pots and pans around the kitchen floor. Fun times.

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