Welcome to my circus.

A Life in Status- September #1, 2013


You can find us on Facebook or Twitter so you can laugh at us while it’s happening. Crazy.

At the zoo-
Bethany: I see snakes. I see lizards. They have ghosts here, Mom?

At Target:
Josh: Mom, I think Dad would like these swim trunks.
Danny: They have Captain Hook before his hand got cut off.
Me: What?. . . Oh. . . That’s not Captain Hook, that’s Captain Morgan.
Josh: Who is that?
Me: Um. . . never mind.
Sometimes it’s best just to go along with them.

Grocery shopping can always be put off until tomorrow. Until you realize you’re out of coffee.

I was wiping marker off the wall from an anonymous child when The Baby came over to me and said, “Sorry.” Nice to know he has a conscience.

Me: Isn’t that a beautiful polar bear?
Bethany: Mom. It’s HANDSOME.
#bearsareboys #toddlercommunication

Bethany: Mom, this table look great!
Me: Thanks! I washed it.
Bethany: And it not even slippery. But even if it slippery, I still love you and you still be my mom and I still be your daughter.

Me:(after a long talk about Native Americans and settlers). . . so it’s beautiful that we can be a family together since a long time ago our ancestors didn’t get along.
Danny: They have a war? Who won?
Me: Well, it’s kind of complicated-
Danny: I think I won. My sisters killed all your sisters in the war and I still have thousand sisters.
Me: No, not “sisters”, “ANcestors”. . . oh, just never mind.

Step 1: Plan a week of meals.
Step 2: Make grocery list.
Step 3: Shop for meals.
Step 4: Misplace your meal plan and have no idea what to make for a week with the random ingredients you purchased.
Repeat weekly.

It’s amazing that we’ve reached a stage where if I’m not feeling well the kids can kind of look after themselves and each other so I can lay down for a minute. It is not amazing that when I get up, the state of the house makes it look like I must have invited four drunken frat boys in and told them to make themselves at home. Motherhood: you think you spend all day doing nothing, but when you actually do nothing for a minute you realize how much you actually do.

You know what they say- it’s not homemade mac n’ cheese unless you grate a piece of your thumb into the sauce.

This week we celebrate the anniversaries of two of our children’s additions to our family (Bethany’s second and Josh’s sixth). I have alternated between calling them “Adoption Day” and “Gotcha Day”, so now Danny is whining, “It’s everybody’s Goption day and not mine!” Life is hard.

We got Chinese take-out. When Josh saw the decorations on the box of rice he said, “Is that a dragon? Mom. We got NINJA FOOD?!”
Um. Sure.


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