Welcome to my circus.

A Life in Status- December #1, 2012


(Hear about our epic adventures in real-timeĀ here.)

Having boys (or the adventurous girl) means adjusting to that mini heart attack feeling you get when you see a giant plastic bug in an unexpected place.


Danny found “Puss in Boots” too scary, so he asked if we could watch a National Geographic documentary on deadly insects instead. Go figure.


The good thing about having a noisy kid- even when he’s playing at a neighbor’s house down the street, you pretty much know what he’s doing the whole time.


The hard part about having a Kindergartener and a baby is that at any point in time two of your kids could be teething.


Danny’s version of “If you love something, set it free”:
If you love something, break it in half.
If it’s repairable, it’s yours to keep.
If it isn’t, you probably weren’t supposed to be playing with it in the first place.


Thing You Wish You Never Had to Say #372:
“Mommy’s bootie is not a napkin.”


When you’re the parent of a trouble maker, THIS sounds like a compliment: “Well, he’s not the worst kid in the class. . . ” #proudmommymoment


Step 1: Baby cries for a snack.
Step 2: I give Baby a snack.
Step 3: Baby feeds snack to dog.


Me: Here’s an apple for your snack.
Daughter: I not want apple. I not like it.
Me: That’s fine, but then you can’t have a brownie tonight.
Daughter: An apple? I love an apple! Oh, thanks Mom!
Brownies. They’re magical things.


Overheard Husband talking to Children in the bathroom-
“Gross! Listen- once you wipe your bootie with something DO NOT wipe your face with it.”
Once again, we’re keeping it classy over here.

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