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A Life in Status- April #4, 2013


Want more?  Here ya go.

Josh is working on memorizing the books of the New Testament. Tonight I had to explain to him that it’s First and Second Thessalonians, not First and Second FleshyAliens.

Just taped a television interview and before taping:
Interviewer: So what’s your family like?
Me: We have four kids- three are adopted and one biological surprise.
Interviewer: Oh wow! I’ll put that in the introduction- you have three adopted and one of your own.
Me: Oh, sorry, don’t say “one of your own” since they’re all my own.
Interviewer: Thank you! I hadn’t thought about that. I’ll just say “one biological”.
Me: Thanks. I just didn’t want you to get any nasty emails about this.
Interviewer: I appreciate that.
Me: And also. . . I would be the one writing the emails.

A big storm took out the power at our house tonight. Our daughter was excited when she opened the curtains to see the sun and yelled, “the outside power still working!” Why yes. Yes it is.

Daughter (sobbing): I not want my grama leave!
Me: I know but you can’t scream about it. You need to pull it together, Sweetie.
Daughter: I NOT KNOW HOW PULL IT TOGETHER! (more sobbing)
Truer words were never spoken.

The Baby’s first tooth decides to come in totally sideways. I guess because it’s so crowded in there? Oh wait. It’s not crowded at all.
We are an orthodontist’s dream come true.

Something my husband learned today: When returning home and seeing the crazy mess in the living room, it is probably best not to say, “What happened? When your mom was here this morning she had things looking good.”

Josh: You made mac n’ cheese AND taco salad?! You are the goodest mommy I could have ever asked for.
His love language is food.

(After having to discipline her)
Me: Honey, did you know I love you when you’re good? And did you know I love when you’re naughty, too? There’s nothing you can do to make me stop loving you.
Daughter: Mommy, (sniff) I love you when I naughty, too.

I opened the bedroom door to find my daughter listening to music and shaking her bootie quite enthusiastically. She said, “I shake my bootie in here. There no boys. I need privacy.” You go, Girl.

I usually try to wait until the evening to do my grocery shopping so I don’t have to take all the kids with me. And then this morning I realized we were out of coffee. . .

(after a squabble)
Danny: I sorry, Bethie.
Bethany: I forgive you, Danny. Mommy, I forgive him, but I still has some tears in my face.
I know the feeling, Sister.

Sometimes I look at my 3 and 4 year-olds and miss their baby days. And then today they decide to pretend to be babies with the faithfulness to historical accuracy usually reserved for those involved in Civil War reenacting and I realize I don’t really miss it at all.

(Daughter was crying about having to give away her favorite shoes)
Me: But Honey, you’re too big for those shoes now. They make your feet bleed! You’ve just been getting so big.
Daughter: I not want to grow up! (sob sob sob)
We all know the feeling. Especially when it means getting rid of our favorite shoes.

Sign you’re in a large multi racial family: You’re filling out a form and it asks for the child’s ethnicity and you have to look back up to the top to see which child you’re talking about.

The Baby insisted on wearing a baseball cap to bed last night.
#futurefratboy #ohdear

Sometimes when my kids ask for dessert I smear frosting on a piece of bread. This is one of those things I’m glad they don’t ask about in your homestudy.

When the boys excitedly tell me they found a mother and baby worm right next to each other, I don’t have the heart to tell them those were just two parts of the same worm they accidentally squished in half while digging it out of the ground.

Bradley House Rule #59: No worms in the house. (actually had to remind them of this one today when somebody brought in a coffee can full of “pets”)

I’m starting to think that it isn’t just the waking up every two hours part of having a baby that’s exhausting (which only lasts a couple weeks. . . hopefully), it’s more that it’s exhausting when every time you wake up it’s because someone is crying at you. And that happens for YEARS. I’ll miss these days someday, right?

My son kissed a girl today. She said, “That was awkward.” I don’t approve of his choice to kiss a girl at this age. I do approve of his taste in women.
I see a father son chat in his near future. Like tonight.

Josh: Mom, do I seem relaxed?
Me: Umm. . .sure. . . I guess.
Josh: That’s because I’m thinking about basketball.
Good to know.

Josh: Mom, I just want to play basketball all the time.
Me: You know, some people are so good at basketball that they get paid to go to college and play basketball.
Josh: Mom, college isn’t for like 100 days. I have lots of time to practice.
Yes. . . 100 days. . .

Daughter: Mommy, why you all pretty?
Me: Daddy is taking me out somewhere nice for dinner.
Daughter: They have pancakes or not?
I’m glad she asks the important questions.

The perfect ending to a farmer’s market trip to purchase organic, locally grown, heirloom produce? McDonald’s, of course.

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