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A Life in Status- August #4, 2013


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Bethany: Mommy, this my new blanket I want for my bed.
Me: That’s a great one! Oh look! This one is kind of like it, but this one is on sale.
Bethany: IT. ON. SALE?! Oh, we get that one, Mommy.
I love her.

Me: Danny, what am I going to do with while you go to preschool? I’m going to miss you so much!
Danny: You gonna cry, Mom. Then you pick me up. You have chocolate.
Yep. Pretty much sums up my morning.

I’m choosing not to see the fruit flies as marks of shame on my poor housekeeping, but as proof that we’re making healthy eating choices. Yeah. . . that’s it. . .

Me: Danny, do you know what kind of dog that is?
Danny: It a brown dog.
Me: It’s called a Golden Retriever.
Danny: WHAT?! It dig for GOLD?
He’s such a literalist.

I thought mullets and pleated khaki pants should never come back in style. Then I saw an episode of “MacGyver”. . .

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