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A Life in Status- January #2, 2016

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Sign you are a cheap family: Your kids refer to their favorite cereal by the off-brand name.
‪#‎largefamilylogistics‬ ‪#‎marshmallowmateys‬ ‪#‎fruitrings‬ ‪#‎crispyrice‬

It’s only AFTER the photographer for the local paper leaves that you realize your son had his pants on backwards.

“We don’t put Play-Doh in our underwear.”

Sometimes when I leave a child in the church nursery I make the same mistake as Lot’s wife leaving Sodom and Gomorrah.
‪#‎dontlookback‬ ‪#‎eyecontactmakesthemcry‬

Anybody else’s kid request the old Batman TV theme song as a bedtime lullaby? No? Just mine? Figures

“We don’t scratch our butts with the stick from our corndog.”

Other moms of large families are complaining about how people say rude stuff to them when they’re out with their kids. I was feeling all self-satisified about how rarely that happens to me. . . and then I remembered how rarely I actually take all my kids out somewhere. . .

After leaving a group of women I mentally rehash conversations to try and figure out what dumb thing I said that I should be ashamed of. Why do I do this? Do you guys do this, too?

I guess if I didn’t want them to eat the Play-doh, I shouldn’t have bought them the “make a pizza” set.
‪#‎liveandlearn‬ ‪#‎nontoxic‬

Nothing cements your role as The Baby of The Family quite like waiting until you’re 15 months-old to learn to walk.
‪#‎takeshissweettime‬ ‪#‎TheLastBaby‬

It’s adorable to watch your kids jumping into a pile of pillows and blankets. . . until you remember the reason there’s a pile of pillows and blankets on the floor was because somebody wet the bed and that’s your “to be washed” pile.

Doctor: So, is he letting you get in there and brush his teeth?
Me: Oh yeah!
(Doctor opens his mouth, we both see a blue piece of glitter stuck between his front teeth.)
‪#‎nailedit‬ ‪#‎momfail‬

Danny (7): Puppy! The dog’s outside!. . . Never mind. It’s just a pile of snow.

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