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A Life in Status- December #3, 2012

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Daughter: I want my polka dot pajamas.
Me: Oh, those are right here! I just washed them.
Daughter: Oh, I’m so proud of you, Mommy. You are my best helper.
I’m guessing you can tell what kind of phrases she hears a lot.

Day 1: Sore Throat/Headache
Day 2: Stomach Bug
Day 3: Stomach Bug
Day 4: Fever/Sinus Congestion/Cough
Getting sick? Nailed it. Moms are such overachievers.

The three year-olds wanted a trashcan in the middle of their room in case either of them needed to “cuke” in the night. It’s been one of those weeks- lots of sickness, lots of “Veggie Tales”.
It will be a sad day for Mama’s grocery budget when the kids realize one packet of hot cocoa is supposed to be for one mug, not split between three.
I would love to understand why the kids feel compelled to stand on the couch, sit on the coffee table, and set their cups on the ground.
My to-do list for while The Baby took his morning nap:
1) Wrap a Christmas present
2) Clean the kitchen from breakfast
3) Start a load of laundry
The 3 Year-Olds’ to-do list for while The Baby took his morning nap:
1) Go to room so Mom can wrap a present
2) Pull out all the books from the bookshelf
3) Roll around in the books
I’ll give you one guess how much of my to-do list got done this morning.
Reason #57 why the world needs Stay-At-Home-Moms:
Who else will call animal control when lost dogs are running through the neighborhood during the day?
Step 1: Write meticulously detailed list of last Christmas needs before Snowpocalypse.
Step 2: Take children to Grama’s so you can shop quickly.
Step 3: Leave list at home so you end up mindlessly wandering the aisles along with every old person in town and forget most of what you need.
Josh: Mom, why are you cleaning the house? Is somebody coming over?
Mom shame.
Objective of the morning: Find and purchase Candy Cane Hershey Kisses.
Objective of the evening: Not eating the entire bag of Candy Cane Hershey Kisses.
I let the Kindergartener answer the phone call from his school saying it’s a snow day tomorrow. I think Christmas came early for somebody.
Universal rule of elementary-age children: The child who doesn’t have to go to school (SNOW DAY!) will be up a minimum of ten minutes (potentially an hour) earlier than the time you’d normally have to be dragging him out of bed to get ready for school.
Danny: Mommy, I not go outside anymore. It too cold. It make boogers.
He has learned an important lesson- when you stay out in the cold too long, your nose will start to run.
When I say, “no no” my babies hear, “hurry and shove that in your mouth.”
Motherhood means:
Making a healthy breakfast for the family. Packing healthy lunches for Husband to take to work, Kindergartener to take to school. Making healthy lunches for Toddlers and The Baby.
Then realizing you haven’t eaten anything yourself by 2 p.m. so you guzzle down a cup of coffee and a microwaved hotdog.
Wednesday- Baby decides he doesn’t want to nurse anymore.
Thursday- Baby gets his first haircut.
Friday- Baby cuts his first two teeth.
His first birthday is Monday and if he learns to walk between now and then, expect to find me in a weepy puddle on the ground.
Oatmeal, peanut butter, snot and spaghetti sauce on the shoulder of your shirt = Mommy Street Cred
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